The Higher Council For Science And Technology (HCST)
A Joint World Bank and Korean Team visits the Higher Council for Science &Technology   During their visit to Amman, the Joint World Bank and...
The Secretary General of The Higher Council for Science and Technology(HCST), Dr. Khaled Elshuraydeh, met members of the Mission of the “European...
The Secretary General of the Higher Council for Science and Technology (HCST) Dr. Khaled Elshuraydeh, met Dr. Tommaso Giordano, Area Manager, Milan...
During their visit to Amman, following the signature of the agreement on cooperation in Science and Technology 2008, between the government of the...
uring her official visit to Amman, the UNESCO Assistant Director General for Natural Science, Ms. G. Kalonji was received by Dr. Khaled Elshuraydeh,...
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