The Higher Council For Science And Technology (HCST)
The National Center for Creativity

The Center will provide its services with the efforts of its employees for everyone who requests assistance, guidance, and the request to provide information manually, until the completion of building an electronic platform for services known as the Jordan Open Innovation Platform (JOIP) designed to direct all strategic activities of the National Center for Innovation in a unique way in order to facilitate Stakeholders' tasks to establish greater cooperation and assist them in carrying out their tasks to stimulate economic development, which will help market Jordan as a center of creativity, and achieve national ambition towards a more innovative Jordan

The National Center for Creativity was established in 2019, as a national umbrella aimed at To create a competitive entrepreneurial environment by organizing and coordinating all efforts within an integrated holistic framework that provides the business environment with clear directions for economic opportunities and exploiting them to enhance economic participation within standards compatible with the market, which leads to improving the level of organization in the areas of creativity and ensuring coordination and control of inputs and outputs to advance the creative business environment to reach To global best practices.


To make Jordan an environment in which effective and high-quality services are available so that they are easy to use for all stakeholders in the innovation environment, linking them through technology and using their partnerships to improve Jordan's competitive level globally.

the message

To be a national reference for creativity in Jordan, serving stakeholders through an integrated services platform, and to become a global leader in the use and application of technology in national creativity practices, to promote and develop a society built on creativity to reach a sustainable national economy

The strategic goals of the National Innovation Center

Forming a national reference and a major provider of data and information related to creativity for the development of the public and private sectors and individuals through monitoring local, international and administrative administrative, financial and technical activities that would foster and support national creativity.

Contribute to the creation of an integrated national system to provide a stimulating environment for creativity, leadership and the business sector.

Providing advisory and advisory services to small, medium and emerging institutions and individuals regarding the rational methods for managing creative works, and providing the government with feedback regarding the legal and regulatory aspects of creativity activities to ensure transparency and good performance

Managing information and various creativity activities to ensure coordination of requests for assistance submitted through the Jordan Portal for Open Creativity, evaluation of creative activities and key performance indicators that can reflect the economic impact of creativity.


Monitoring and evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation

Automating information and data in the creativity system in Jordan to calculate performance and measurement indicators for development activities, the growth of creative sectors, and progress toward achieving an economy based on creativity. The metrics and performance tools required for creativity activities are designed to enable assessment of the creative environment in Jordan, which will be activated more and more accurately through the Jordan Open Innovation Platform (JOIP)

Information and data

Information and data

Providing information related to creativity, dynamic vital statistics and quantitative and qualitative performance indicators, as this data is continuously updated automatically when adding or modifying any information, and then providing and exchanging it with the concerned authorities for coordination at the local, regional and international levels, whether in the form of data within files in different formats or In the form of diagrams and graphics.

Developing policies and preparing legal studies and consultations

Developing policies and preparing legal studies and consultations

Studying the legal obstacles facing creativity agencies in the public and private sectors. The center will assess continuity, transparency, law enforcement, find solutions to problems that may hinder creativity for development purposes, provide legislative expertise (Ombudsman), advice and advice to the government and the private sector in all areas to access the business enabling environment

Networking and referral

Networking and referral

Connecting academic institutions and research centers with the market and its requirements, and introducing them to local, regional and international funded bodies and conditions for benefiting from them and how to apply to them


Hassan Al-Zoubi
Director of Information Technology, the National Innovation Center
Saeed Al-Saeed
Director of Marketing, the National Innovation Center
Faten Al-Nisour
Executive Secretary of the National Center for Innovation
Huda Al-Rawabdeh
Director of the National Center for Creativity

contact us (NCI)

contact us (NCI)

contact information

Jbaiha - The Higher Council for Science and Technology

               The National Center for Creativity


Phone number: (962-6) 5340401

                  ex 213






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