The Higher Council For Science And Technology (HCST)
Vision, Mission,& Objectives
Our Vision
“Achieving international standards and recognition in frontier sciences and technologies and maximizing benefits of their applications for sustainable socio-economic development of Jordan.”
Our Mission
“Building national scientific and technological capacities and ensuring their continuous development, through increasing awareness of applied scientific research, providing financial support for scientific and technological activities, promoting networking among researchers research foundations, productive institutions and service providers at national, regional and international levels as well as working towards the adoption of technology and its usage in the different aspects of life to achieve the national goals in these fields.”
Our Objectives


  • Building a distinguished national scientific and technological base.
  • Enhancing scientific and technological (S&T) organizations as well as research projects and commercializing their output.
  • Initiating effective support to national scientific and technological activities.
  • Networking between local institutions and their counterparts at regional and international levels.
  • Consolidating the cycle of innovation (converting scientific and technological concepts and the output/results of research and development into products and services).
  • Focusing on the applications of advanced technology in various fields.
  • Promoting and developing relations with scientific research institutions at the national, regional and international levels.


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